歐債面臨多重試煉 歐元能否逐一化險,來源:財訊.COM) 2011-09-05 17:24
歐債本周將面臨一連串政治、法律上的試煉。德國憲法法院將於周三(9月7日)裁定德國政府提供希臘、愛爾蘭及葡萄牙等歐債危機國家龐大紓困資金之舉,是否已違反德國法律及歐洲公約。而4日德國總理默克爾(Angela Merkel)的執政黨基督教民主聯盟剛剛在一次地區選舉中落敗,這可能會使她更加難以為救助項目爭取到議會的支持。
抗議政府緊縮 義大利1小鎮宣告獨立 【2011/9/4 20:08】
This Tiny Italian Town Wants To Form Its Own Country。In August 2011, following an Italian government announcement that all villages with under 1,000 residents would have to merge with nearby villages in order to cut administrative costs, forcing Filettino to merge with the neighbouring town of Trevi nel Lazio , the village's mayor Luca Sellari started a campaign for Filettino to become an independent state.The village began to print its own currency, the fiorito, which translates as "flowered", referring to how Filettino will "flower under its new guise", according to the mayor, and alluding to the currency first minted in 13th-century Florence , the florin .